Spreading Love and Creating Connection as We Self Quarantine

I would like to dedicate this post to projects and action that I’ve seen over the last couple of days which bring us together in spirit, even though we are physically apart. The COVID-19 pandemic is spreading quickly around the world, our experts and political leaders are scrambling to prepare and manage the virus’ impact, which we’re only beginning to understand. The rest of us are left to cope, to follow instructions, stay as protected and healthy as we can, and not lose our sanity or faith in humanity in the process. The following examples of global and local human connection and love are ones that we can participate in, find solace in and use as inspiration to create more initiatives for solidarity and solace.

The Kindness Pandemic

#TheKindnessPandemic started on social media in Australia, a friend of mine in South Africa encouraged me to join and it’s now become a global conversation about every-day people’s acts of kindness. The Kindness Pandemic is an open group on Facebook “because so many people need acts of kindness right now; and so many others want to hear stories of kindness. Kindness won’t make COVID19 go away, but it will make our lives easier and more rewarding. We particularly encourage inter-generational kindness, but welcome you sharing all acts of kindness. The Kindness Pandemic is an initiative of Celebrate Ageing, a social enterprise building respect for older people. For more information contact Catherine Barrett or check out our webpage: https://www.celebrateageing.com/the-kindness-pandemic.html

Some examples of the stories of hope and kindness posted on the Facebook group:

Not So Random Acts of Kindness


Yo-Yo Ma, the Grammy winning Cellist and one of the world’s most renowned musicians, is providing comfort and solace in this time of crisis with his music, and by encouraging people from around the world to share their own music. Ma has been posting videos of himself performing short pieces and encouraging other musicians, of all levels, around the world to join him in offering “Songs of Comfort.” You can follow the music by following #songsofcomfort or adding the hashtag to your own posts on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

A National Standing Ovation for Healthcare Workers and First Responders in France

On March 18 the French people started a daily ritual of joining together precisely at 8pm Paris-time, on their balconies and at their open windows, to cheer and applaud their healthcare workers and first responders. The crowds are heard in every city throughout the country as citizens show solidarity and support.

Local Love In Abundance

Just yesterday alone in my wonderful small town in Maryland:

  • A local restaurant announced that a customer purchased $2000 worth of gift cards and asked that they be distributed to local families who are in need of a meal. It’s hard to think of a more extraordinary act of support for a local business and for the most vulnerable in our community.
  • A local woman posted on Facebook that she made 4 types of home-made soup to offer, complete with a side of fresh bread, to elderly people in town in need of a hot meal (those are her beautiful soups in the photo above).
  • Our local Third Way Farm is offering free delivery service to home-bound customers who would like to purchase fresh produce but aren’t able to pick up their orders in person.

Saving The World Every Day with Kindness

I hope you find these examples of our collective human spirit uplifting and inspiring. Please share in the comments section about the acts of solidarity, and generosity that are giving you hope during these challenging times. We’re all in this together and we all have so much to offer each other! Stay healthy, and stay kind.

6 thoughts on “Spreading Love and Creating Connection as We Self Quarantine”

  1. No sooner had I mentioned to a friend that we were almost out of toilet paper (I didn’t buy any when I had seen it earlier in the stores because we still had some left and I didn’t want to be part of the panic frenzy) when a shopping bag full of rolls appeared at our front door. Thank you Wanda and Johnny! You are the best in so very many ways! Living the blog! We are trying daily to do so, as well. Thank you, thank you!

    1. From the woman who delivered produce to 5 of her neighbors yesterday! We’re sending big virtual hugs to you and Nic!

  2. Paul & Janet Carrick

    This is a remarkably insightful, humane, and timely blog (website). Just reading your posts and following your suggestions lifts our spirits. Got this link from our neighbors and mutual friends, the Zimmermans.

  3. Thank You. I found your website today via a Google search for ‘ideas for sharing joy in Quarantine’.
    Homeschooling my 5 and 6 year old kids for a few weeks now has me searching for ways I can keep them connected to our community. They are such social little people and seem to be struggling more than I am being isolated. Your website is a wonderful find and I’m so grateful you created it.

    1. Dear Nat! You are one of millions of heroes – taking care of your little ones during this extraordinary time. Do you have access to a front or back yard? If so, dig up some dirt! Even if you don’t have seeds to plant, you can search for worms, or experiment with planting your lemon or orange seeds ( my mom now has a collection of tiny lemon trees that she enjoys watching grow!). Good luck to you – what ever you are doing to keep your children happy and healthy is the right thing to do in my book.

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